dijous, 19 de maig del 2011


I flew by plane from Girona to London with Ryanair. My flight wasthe first of June at 22:05 h. The prize of the flight was 59,99 Euros.
I stayed in London two days.
My first day:

I went to the hotel, called DOLPHIN HOUSE. It costs 150 Euros per night. The hotel is the four stars. It's very nice. I went to visited te tower for BIG-BEN.It's very beautiful.After I visited the restaurant its name is Sketch

My second day  :

 I went to the her majesty's royal palace and fortress .
Is incredibel. Is very bautiful and very big .Her Majesty's Royal Palace and Fortress. is a historic castle.   


dijous, 5 de maig del 2011


1. List the movemints in the game.
1. He went to the information desk.
2. He went up the first floor, to the duty-free shop area.
3. He went in the shop and ask for a person who can kephim.
4. He went to thepassport control and he found soldiers.
5. He went back to the duty-free shop area to find the jonitor.
6. He found the jonitor. The gave him in information and heart and attack.
7. They went back to the passport control and found the soldiers dead.
8. They took a walkie-talkie and entered to the ventilation tube.

1.hem entratel tub de aventilació, hem trobat  una sala que hihavia uns claus,estetoscopi i una llibreta.
2.Seguim i arribe a una sala que hihha un doctor i una enfermera que parlen.
3.Seguim recte cap a una altra on hi ha gent que espera. Una d'elles és la germana del protagoniste.
4.La única solució per salvar la germana és disfressar-se de doctor.
5.Torna a les botigues canvia checks per siners, compra una canya de pesca per pescar les claus.
6.Va a la farmàcia i li dona una bata de doctor.
7.Va a la prfumeria i li dona una mostra gratuita de perfum.8.Torna a l'oficina obre amb les claus agafa l'estetoscopi i la llibreta.
9.Torna a la sala on hiha la seva germana i la salva.